Republican? Senator Scott Brown

January 22, 2010

I’ve been trying to avoid politics since Christmas.

Its true.

But I’m back to talk to you about Scott Brown.

It’s all about Money. (and maybe good looks) Otherwise, why elect Scott Brown? In fact, fiscally-conservative is the only way he seems to qualify as a republican at all (he does say he’ll vote against national health care). Socially, I would say he’s a moderate to liberal. (his Issues section on his web-site)

He’s pro-choice, and favors states to decide individually on gay marriage, so what gives?

While republicans hold him up as a poster boy for his party, I’m continuing to wonder, as I have since McCain lost the election, where does the republican party stand? Does it care about the issues anymore? or just trying to get another guy who will stamp an R by his name in the senate?

SO with this win, yes, its a Republican in Ted Kennedy’s former seat, but while you all cheer and get so excited, you guys might pause to think what Republicans are agreeing to. What precedent are you setting?

It seems 2010 will be an interesting year, watching the Republican party lay down some of its hardest-fought fights to claim back some power, but I can’t help but wonder at what cost?

I’m just curious.

Congressmanwoman Praises Fidel

August 28, 2009


I heard these comments made by Congresswoman Watson (Democrat, CA) at a recent townhall on Rush today and could not believe it, all though now I must admit I am afraid this disgusting rhetoric is becoming the norm among some of our leaders on the Left. Please listen if you think  you can stand it.

Not only are the esteemed congressman’s words I think close to traitorous, but did you  notice the applause in the background as she heaped praise on Cuba’s health care?  Ms. Watson, if you love Cuba so much, please leave us alone and MOVE there. You have done enough damage to our country all ready. I promise you will not be missed.

Update: For more of Congresswoman Watson’s comments from the same townhall, check out Michelle Malkin’s homepage.
