Abstinence Education…WORKS?

February 10, 2010

At least in delaying teen sexual activity. The study comes after Obama cut funding from the abstinence-only education early last year.   Of course pro-abstinence advocates have been touting data like this for years. From the Washington Post:

Sex education classes that focus on encouraging children to remain abstinent can persuade a significant proportion to delay sexual activity, researchers reported Monday in a landmark study that could have major implications for U.S. efforts to protect young people against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

The “landmark study” was conducted in both 6th and 7th graders, and found that 2/3 of the children receiving abstinence ed waited longer to become sexually active where as half of the 11-13 year olds attending “other classes” became sexually active.  Who’d a thunk it?

I mean, who in their right mind would have ever thought that if we told our young children NOT to have sex, as opposed to giving them condoms and practically saying, “have at it kiddies,” it might actually delay their sexual behavior… and pregnancies… and sexually transmitted diseases.

Now I don’t have kids yet, but if given the choice I would much rather them hear this: (Psst, I know its Zac Efron and 17 Again, but still!)

than this:

*Sigh.* I guess I’m just an old fuddy-duddy after all.


Sex Ed for the Obama Generation

September 1, 2009

cropped-012.jpgI recently discovered that state funding for abstinence education in Tennessee (where I reside) was being cut out in 2010 and will no longer be taught in the public schools. And while this particular post is not aimed to argue the merits of abstinence education, I want you to know the kind of crap put out by Planned Parenthood on sex ed for teens.  Now I have to admit the first time I discovered these sex-ed videos, I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or get really upset. As you watch the videos, you will undoubtedly tell yourself this can’t be real, but the fact is that  they are.

The first video (and my personal favorite) is entitled “Hot and Heavy.” You will want to shower after viewing and no “wiping the wiener” until you’re completely through.

And if your not dirty enough, how about “Let Me Do Me.”

If you still want more, don’t miss the “Take Care Down There Song,” “Threesome,” “I Didn’t Spew” and many other videos that are perfect for you and your teen’s sexual satisfaction.  And please don’t forget that not only do your hard-earned tax dollars go to support Planned Parenthood, but your president has earned himself a 100% rating for his support of the group.  If you still don’t believe the videos are real, please take a gander at their website takecaredownthere.org. Planned Parenthood- Sexual education for the Obama generation? Wow, that has a nice ring to it. HMMMMM????