So Who’s the Real Tiger?

November 28, 2009

Oh my, looks like Tiger Woods isn’t Mr. Perfect after all. According to TMZ, reports are surfacing that it was Tiger’s wife, Swedish supermodel Elin that caused the injuries to Tiger’s face.  Apparently, when she confronted Tiger about rumors of an affair, the fight turned violent, and she used her sharp supermodel nails to scratch him up.  Hence the rush to leave, and hence the accident. All I have to say about that is RAAAWR! I love a good cat fight!


Hanna’s Hotties and Notties- Katie Couric vs. Sarah Palin

November 27, 2009

Katie Couric vs. Sarah Palin

Well it’s been an interesting chain of events since the infamous interview between these two women. And for one, her career seems to be taking off. The other, seems to be slam-crashing down around her.

Oh Ms. Couric, how far you’ve fallen since the easy days on NBC’s Today Show. Quite a journey since signing the gigantic contract to become the first female solo primetime anchor of CBS News. What was your price tag again? Oh yeah, 15 million a year!  Now I know you are supposed to be a real journalist an all, you know non-biased with a little integrity, but we saw the real you during that interview where you skewered Palin with a contempt only an elite-y, liberal, feminist can muster. But I have to say you have finally gotten yours.

First of all there’s this little ditty totally exposing your liberal partisan agenda on healthcare:

Second, there’s your ratings. CBS has hit all time lows since you have been in the anchor chair. And your brilliant news network consistently remains in LAST place. But kudos to you! That 15 mil means you’re the best no matter what, right?

And then finally there’s the release of these pictures. None of which I know will ever grace the cover of Newsweek or be shown on MSNBC  as they mock you. So with all the grief Palin has endured over her looks, I have to admit I have gotten quite a bit of enjoyment out of the discovery of your totally nottie moves on the dance floor.

 The rest of these gems can be explored on Jim Treacher’s blog, and his poem, unlike yours Katie, is hilarious.  And now all I can say to you is “stay classy” Ms. Nottie, and good luck with the whole real, serious journalist thing now!

 On the other hand, how have things worked out for Sarah Palin since that dreadful interview? Well despite all the negative media attention, she has still managed to give Oprah her biggest ratings in two years, fired up the conservative base without the help of the media, and oh yeah, she’s sold how many books in a week, Katie? What was that? Oh yeah, 700,000! A figure I’m sure the New York  Times grudgingly admits to.  And with the amount of people turning out by the thousands to her book signings, I’m sure Ms. Palin won’t be going anywhere any time soon. I’m not sure what the future holds for Sarah Palin, but I can say that for right now at least, she’s a hottie hockey-mom in lipstick you betcha, and in a major way.


SYTYCD, top 12

November 25, 2009

I really don’t have any time to write this (I’m stealing time from cleaning), but I was so angry about something last night I had to write.

For weeks Ashleigh has been floating along on the fumes of Jakob‘s firey performances and last night was just the last straw for me. I think she was fine in the cha-cha, but here’s their first dance:

She LITERALLY walked and rolled around the stage while Jakob was incredible. Then he picked her up some. Then the judges completely praise HER over and over and over while the rest of the girls are killing themselves actually dancing, getting small fractions of the love they lavishly present to Ashleigh.

But I have no doubt she’ll get into the top 10. She’s like the Comfort of this season for me (seriously). I’m excited to see how she does with a new partner (mostly because I think she’ll be exposed for the talent moocher she is.)

Onto what I liked: Kathryn and Legacy‘s Waltz, Ellenore and Ryan‘s Broadway (the only B’way I’ve ever liked on this show.), and Karen and Victor‘s Tango, even though he creeps me out.

Even though it was fantastic, I think this couple is a shoe-in for bottom 3 because of the disasterous hip hop and they have (sadly in Karen‘s case) consistently been in the bottom.

Also in the bottom: Noelle and Russell, then who? I think it should be Mollee and Nathan. But we’ll see. Every week I’ve done predictions I’m 2/3, I feel like tonight will be the same way. That last couple could be almost anyone.

Glenn Beck, The Conservative’s Obama?

November 24, 2009

This past weekend as many of you know Glenn Beck unveiled The Plan which essentially challenges Americans to rise up and be the real conservative leaders that we don’t currently have and focus on education. The Plan culminates with a book and a rally in Washington on August 28, 2010.  Many critics on the Left have said this is proof that he only cares about selling books, and some Republicans are concerned with his cries for a third party.

But I’m not particularly interested in any of that. With all of Beck’s talk about community organizing, and the way people flock to him (did you see how many people showed up at The Villages?) I’m starting to believe that Beck is the Right’s cult of personality, the way Obama is the Left’s. I mean within a matter of minutes Saturday, the Glenn Beck faithful on Twitter were freaking out over the revelation of this new 100 year plan. But there are other similarities between the two as well, Obama had the fainters, Beck has the criers. Both Beck and Obama are great orators that move the masses to action whether it’s over hope and change or The 9/12 Project. Both have very strong opinions about this country and both want to take our country to a new place. They are extremely controversial and passionately hated by their enemies. But the similarities are mainly expressed by the way people follow these two men without question and with a fervor that I am sure must be reminiscent of Jesus Christ. Their followers expect these men to work miracles.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m no Glenn Beck hater, in fact I’ve listened to his radio show for years. I’ve bought his  books, and I watch his TV show every once in while, when I can.  And right now, if I had to choose between Obama’s future for our country or Beck’s, it’s Beck’s all day. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t stop questioning him or his motives. I mean he is still human after all.


My Thanksgiving Essentials

November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Most of this week’s essential events include turkey, football, good friends, and shopping but there are 2 releases I’m looking forward to: Adam Lambert’s new CD (out Tuesday) and The Road (out Wednesday.)

But it’s that time of the year for me to give thanks to the people that matter most:

Lady Gaga, I want to thank you first for this. No one will ever wear a mane the same way again.

Thanks a lot Kanye for propelling Taylor Swift into the position of America’s sweetheart, ensuring her success for years to come.

Black Eyed Peas, Thank you for your song “Boom Boom Pow.” It truly proved, once and for all, that no one cares about lyrics.

Will Ferrell, or should I say, W. thanks for sharing this story:

Thank you Tina Fey for writing a show that stars you as a loser, completely inept with relationships or life. It makes the show so funny.

Thanks 500 Days of Summer for one of the best dance sequences ever:

Bill Murray, thank you for putting in that cameo.

And most importantly, thank you Sarah Palin for distracting the Republican party from finding a viable candidate for 2012.

Howling at New Moon

November 20, 2009

Everyone’s getting in on it- mocking the Twilight series. And I applaud them. There is so much to make fun of and laugh at. I’m still baffled, by the way, as to why anyone likes the last book…

But I digress…because it’s so rampant, here are my top 3 favorite Twilight/ New Moon parodies.

3. New Moon parody on Jay Leno.

2. Taylor Swift on SNL. Her Bella is pitch perfect.

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more about “Hulu – Saturday Night Live: Digital S…“, posted with vodpod

1. Jimmy Fallon as Robert Pattinson. If you like it check this out.

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more about “untitled“, posted with vodpod

SYTYCD, top 14

November 18, 2009

I’m short on time because I just caught the routines on YouTube today.

The Best: Ellenore and Ryan. AND the real star, Travis Wall. I’ve loved everything he’s done.

The Worst: Karen and Kevin

The Rest: I loved Legacy and Kathryn’s piece, but they are by far my favorite couple.  Ashleigh really surprised me in hip hop. I agreed that the Blackbird music distracted me from the dancing but I loved the music. I did like Nathan and Mollee, but I don’t think they performed as strong as the routine demanded for it to look great.

And the bottom 3: Karen and Kevin, Channing and Victor, and I’m not sure about #3- Noelle and Russell? Or despite the great evening they had, will it be Ryan and Ellenore? I hope not, but just sayin’ they’ve consistently been in the bottom…

I guess we’ll see soon enough!

Andrea’s Pop Culture Essentials

November 16, 2009

Nov. 15- 21

1. John Mayer’s new CD Battle Studies comes out Nov. 17! I heard a leaked copy and it is good. Solid, classic mayer. I HATE his current single, Who Says. The rest of the album is better.

2. Precious opening in Jackson on Friday- there is so much Oscar Buzz about this film, and I saw a couple interviews with the star, Gaboures Sidibe. LOVED her.

3. New Moon! I mean, this is going to be the feel-good movie of the year… Just kidding! those of you who know me for real know there’s no way I’ll ever see this movie.

The real #3: Broken Embraces starring Penelope Cruz and directed by Pedro Amaldovar, the team behind one of my favorite movies from last year, Volver.

4. Joseph Gorden-Levitt hosting SNL Nov. 21. I think he’ll be really good (he can’t be worse than January Jones). And if you don’t know who he is, see 500 Days of Summer.

5. Open by Andre Agassi

6. Christopher Walken’s spoken word version of Pokerface:

7. Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro. Maybe you’ve never read anything by this short story master, but its time to start. She is a genius. YOu can start with my favorite collection of hers, Runaway.

8. My Sister’s Keeper on DVD Tuesday

MSNBC Disgustoids Lying About Sarah Again- So, Where’s Jon Stewart?

November 13, 2009


I saw this video on Hot Air of Sarah Palin, and once again am floored by the absolute disgusting treatment of her, even though at this point, I shouldn’t be surprised. Whatever your personal feelings are about the former governor, you have to agree that the level of harassment and disrespect by the media towards her has hit catastrophic proportions. And this video is no different. The treatment of her is dishonest, disgraceful, and of course it’s a horrible double standard. For example, just last week Hannity aired incorrect footage of the Anti-Health Care rally that took place in Washington DC.  Jon Stewart immediately pointed it out, which he should, and  Hannity did the right thing and apologized, which HE should.  So where’s this going? In this appalling MSNBC video, they show doctored pictures of Sarah Palin’s head on other female’s bodies wearing very little clothing while they proceed to poke fun of her and berate her. So where’s John Stewart on this one I wonder? And will MSNBC apologize for the use of its disparaging pictures? Heh, what do you think?


SYTYCD week 3

November 11, 2009

Tonight was weak. My favorite was Russell and Noelle with Afrojazz. I LOVE Russell- he has an inner-glow that shines through his smile and when he dances. Even so, it was missing something for me.

Channing and Victor’s was pretty good- loved the choreography and music selection, didn’t love the performance. But Karen and Kevin were great, as always. Karen is the strongest female contender.

Worst of the week definitely goes to Mollee and Nathan. I wish they would stop acting like 12-year-olds in the interview packages- it makes it awkward for all of us watching- like seeing a little sister try so hard to be sexy. (did you notice she high-fived the choreographer who told her she was sexy? ha!) And the dancing was so, so off.

But thankfully for them, many other couples were off too. Like Ryan and Ellenore in hip-hop and Pauline and Peter in the quick-step (although I agreed 110% with what the judges said about performance.)

I do think the judges were wrong on 2 things: 1) Ashleigh/her dance with Jakob. Nigel was wrong- this cane dance was not up to snuff with the table dance for Mandy Moore. Ashleigh is not nearly as good as they praise her for being, and I didn’t feel any of the intensity the judges felt. 2) Legacy and Kathryn’s routine wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. And they tore Kathryn up for something her choreographer may have (probably) told her to do- act cute. The moves were all cutesy, and they stuck her in that cutesy outfit.

Predictions for bottom 3 couples: Ellenore and Ryan, Pauline and Peter, and Kathryn and Legacy (crossing my fingers this last won’t come true because it should be Mollee and Nathan.)

I guess we’ll see tonight…What did you think?