Howling at New Moon

November 20, 2009

Everyone’s getting in on it- mocking the Twilight series. And I applaud them. There is so much to make fun of and laugh at. I’m still baffled, by the way, as to why anyone likes the last book…

But I digress…because it’s so rampant, here are my top 3 favorite Twilight/ New Moon parodies.

3. New Moon parody on Jay Leno.

2. Taylor Swift on SNL. Her Bella is pitch perfect.

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1. Jimmy Fallon as Robert Pattinson. If you like it check this out.

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Forget Leno

September 15, 2009

Hey guess what everyone?! Jay Leno’s back! At the 9:00 slot- its a whole new show! with a monologue and skits and guests!…Oh…its his old show, just earlier. One notable moment from the premier last night: Kanye apologized for his antics Sunday night.

Basically, I don’t care that Leno is back- I think the late night world was just fine without him, and I wish he would just leave it to my favorites, Jimmy Fallon, Craig Ferguson, and of course, that crazy red-head Conan.

Let’s start with Fallon- (watch for my fav clips of Craig and Conan later on) On SNL, Fallon was always the first to giggle in a skit, and he still giggles on his show, like when his friend Will Ferrell is a guest, but mostly, he seems to have grown out of it. Haven’t given Fallon a chance on late night? Here are 3 of my favorite moments

1) Robert Pattinson vs. Daniel Radcliffe.

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2) Will Ferrell interview (The skit Ferrell references)

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3) Zach Morris from Saved by the Bell!

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