All Stressed Out

October 9, 2009


Move over Sarah Palin, we’ve got another top Republican who has quit…Dancing with the Stars that is. That’s right former Republican Majority leader, Tom Delay had to quit the show due to stress fractures in his feet. I guess all those weeks of hard dancing were just too much for him.

Or… maybe after not one-

not two-

but THREE cringe worthy weeks;

maybe, just maybe, he finally wised up (especially after having to wear the ridiculous Republican elephant on his back) and decided not to take it any more. Oh well, whatever the reason, all the best to him.

Oh, and Cheryl, I know this is dancing with the STARS, but if you’re looking for a new partner, I would highly recommend this little guy. He may not be famous, but he can dance circles around your old one!


The Essentials

September 28, 2009

by Andrea Burke

The best in entertainment this week:

1.    Her Fearful Symmetry in bookstores Sept. 29

2.   The Brothers Bloom on DVD Sept. 29

3.    How I Met Your Mother: Season 4 and 30 Rock: Season 3 on DVD Sept 29

4.    The Invention of Lying in theaters Oct 2

5.    Paramore’s New CD Sept 29

6.    Steve Carrell on Jay Leno 9:00 Oct 1 on NBC

7.    Capitalism: A Love Story Oct 2- I’ll post on WHY later this week

8.    Flash Forward 7:00 Thursday nights on ABC- You can catch episode 1 at

9.    Danny Pudi on Community 8:30 Thursdays on NBC

10.  And my guilty pleasure: Desperate Housewives premiered Sunday night- catching it on

Hanna’s Hotties and Notties

September 27, 2009



Ok, so I know this weeks Hotties and Notties is kind of obvious. I mean, of course Tom Delay is the Nottie. But seriously, did you see his performance on Dancing with the Stars? Total embarrassment!!! After watching it in horror and disconcert, I had to wonder if ABC did it on purpose to make him look like a complete fool. And he’s an idiot for letting the network do that to him if that was in deed the intent. Ew, I mean just even thinking about it again is making me totally cringe. I swear after watching his performance, I am going to have nightmares of Tom Delay shaking his butt at me and sensually mouthing “wild thing” as he plays the air guitar; but enough of that! If you happened to miss it, here it is. Go ahead, try and stomach it and you will see why he will forever remain a total Nottie.

His dance partner Cheryl Burke is the Hottie. I mean, not only is she always beautiful, and a talented dancer, she was so gracious to her absurd awkward partner. I can only imagine her reaction when she saw who her partner for the season would be, yet she danced her heart out carrying them to another week on the show. Now I have to wonder what’s next for the two. After last week’s “Wild Thing,” I just hope it’s not “Great Balls of Fire.” Cheryl, honey, best of luck. And for putting up with Tommy boy, you are a true Hottie.
